To All The Mothers • Southern RI Family Photographer

To all the mothers who have stayed up late and woken up early. Who don’t remember when the last time is that they got a full night’s sleep. Who have fed their babies multiple times per night, who have woken up early to make school lunches for years on end, who have sat by a window waiting for their teenager’s car lights to pull into the driveway:

Happy Mother’s Day.

To all the mothers who have stayed at home to raise their children. To those who have worked their buns off at one or more jobs to provide a good life for their children. To the mothers who have given up their dreams so their children can live theirs. To the mothers who have lived their dreams out in front of their children so their children can see that you can do and be anything you want. To the mothers who go it alone. To the mothers who have partners. To the mothers who gave birth to us from their wombs and the mothers who gave birth to us in their hearts:

Happy mother’s day.

To the mothers who held our hair back when we got sick from stomach bugs, who brought us to the ER with high fevers, who kissed our skinned knees and bumped heads. Who sat with us late into the night to finish homework, who brought us back and forth to sports and activities, who hung our report cards and artwork on the fridge, and who made us feel like the most important people in the world:

Happy Mother’s Day.

To the mothers who advocate fiercely for their children and will not take “no” for an answer. Who move mountains and cross oceans and lose sleep. Who have babies here on earth or babies in heaven. Who comfort a crying child at 4 months or 40 years.

Happy Mother’s Day.

To the mothers whose hearts broke a little more each time their child went to kindergarten, then high school, then college, then walked out the front door the last time. To the mothers who let us make mistakes and learn from them, even though they wanted to swoop in and tell us what to do every second. To the mothers who listened to a child scream “I hate you” with a straight face while they broke inside. To the mothers who pick up the phone any time of day or night and will do whatever it takes to help that child, young or grown, who says “Mom, I need you.”

Happy Mother’s Day. Thank you. We love you. So much.

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