Surfboard Stories Volume 5 • Wakefield RI photographer

Volume 5 of Surfboard Stories features Amanda.  Amanda came with her friend and her daughter.  Fun fact:  I used to work with Amanda's mom back in the day and I remember when Amanda's daughter was a baby.  Or when Amanda was still pregnant.  This makes me feel a little old, but whatever.  Now Amanda and her daughter look like twins.  They came with some sand on their boards which I found positively awesome because clearly this means the boards and their owners have been to the right places.  Read on to see Amanda's photo and read her interview questions.  For all you locals, note her board is from 7Ply...RIP, 7Ply.

What's your name?  Amanda Gallagher

Do you have a superhero name or any superpowers I should know about?  I can read minds.  Well, one mind, anyway.  Of one particular teenage girl who happens to be here with me today.

What board did you bring with you today?  Big Brown.  My 9' 2" longboard.

Why did you bring this board?  This is my favorite board despite the fact that it broke my nose.  (All by itself.  It was not my bad surfing.)

My daughter wrote a note on a ding repair that was supposed to be temporary, and I will never have it fixed.  It says #1 Mom.  (Actually it says 1# Mom.  She was little.)

Where did you get it?  I bought this from 7-Ply surf shop in Westerly.  (I really miss that place.)

Do you remember the first wave you ever caught on this board?  I don't remember exactly, but it must have been at Mary's in Matunuck.  

Do you remember your favorite wave ever (or favorite day ever) on this board?  One perfect morning, my husband, my daughter, my cousin, all of my surfing friends, their kids and I all went in at Mary's very early before the crowds (now that I write this, I guess we were the crowd).  The waves were small, but it was a beautiful day.  Everyone caught a million waves.  And we celebrated at the Ocean Mist for breakfast.  

Do you have a favorite place to ride it? 

Mary's, of course.  

Any final words?  (She doesn't have any but I love the above answers so much!!!)