Three Tips For College Success • Rhode Island Senior Photographer

If you're like lots of high school seniors, you're probably going to be going on to college, conservatory, tech school, or the like when you graduate.  You're probably super excited about this, but maybe also a little nervous.  It can be scary; college is a completely different world.  In a good way, but there are a lot of new things to learn and experience.  I wish someone had given me a manual, or at least a few tips, when I first started college.  It would've saved me a lot of grief.

I recently got to meet up with all around amazing person Dayle Embleton and we had a shoot in Narragansett.  Dayle graduated from high school in 2014 and finished her first year at AMDA  in New York City this past spring.  Dayle was kind enough to give her top three tips to college/conservatory success.  These are the tips I wish I'd had when I started college...if I do say so myself, I think that they are some pretty amazing life tips in general.  I told you she's great.   Read on for Dayle's tips, and if you're a high school senior who is going to college next year, let me know in the comments what you think the most useful tip is!

Amy Kristin Photography Rhode Island Senior Photographer

Dayle's tip # 1

It is ok to be alone. The time you spend by yourself can be the best time for self discovery. Get some coffee and go sit somewhere quiet (this place for me was Central Park) just sit and let thoughts enter your mind. Think about the world around you, formulate some ideas. What do you like/dislike what makes you angry/happy/sad. 

Amy Kristin Photography Rhode Island Senior Photographer

Dayle's tip #2

Remember who you are. It is very easy to go with the crowd, especially in a new setting such as college. If something is going down that you don't agree with

A. Say something

B. Walk away

C. Find new friends

Amy Kristin Photography Rhode Island Senior Photographer

Dayle's tip #3

GO TO BED. Seriously just do it. 

Amy Kristin Photography Rhode Island Senior Photographer

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