Think Like A Child And Recapture Your Joy • RI Children's Photographer

The holidays are, for the most part, fun.  Ideally, they are a warm, cozy, happy time spent with those we love.  All of us really strive for the holiday magic that we see on television, in movies, an even in the perfect little circle of a snow globe.  Often we achieve it.

And then sometimes we don't.  Maybe you're a stressed out mama this holiday season.  Maybe you're missing a loved one.  Maybe it's hard to see past all the responsibilities life throws at you as an adult.  Being an adult isn't always the easiest thing in the world, after all.  Sometimes it sounds really good to head back in time, be a kid again, and spend some time being a little more carefree.

Time travel isn't possible (yet).  But that doesn't mean you can't spend a little time letting go of worries, being more carefree, and just enjoying the world around you.  

Think like a child.  See the world, even if just for a few moments, as they do...full of wonder and joy, an free of cynicism.  Think back to all that fun stuff you used to do as a kid, but might not have the time to do now.  Or maybe you think you can't still do those things.  But you can.  So do them.

Here are some suggestions to get you going:

  • Blow bubbles in your drink with a straw
  • Go sledding
  • Stick out your tongue to catch snowflakes
  • Flip over rocks and looks for worms and salamanders
  • Lick the beaters
  • Go roller skating
  • Blow bubbles
  • Make snow angels and snowmen
  • Twirl around until you're so dizzy that you fall over, giggling.  Then maybe do it again.
  • Color
  • Write a story
  • Draw a picture, even you think you're not super artistic
  • Play with Play Do
  • Run with your arms wide open, screaming with glee
  • Splash in puddles

These are just a few suggestions...I'm sure you can come up with even more fun things yourself.  The point is to just to learn to do simple little things that bring you joy, remember how to appreciate those small things in life again, and maybe discover a new talent (who knew you were so good at roller skating?!) along the way.  Stop.  Breathe.  When life gets a little overwhelming, blow bubbles.  Or catch snowflakes on your tongue.  

Have a happy, peaceful holiday.

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